Mapleview Cemetery

637160578679430000 - CopyThe Mapleview Cemetery is owned and maintained by the Town of Smyrna. The cemetery records are kept at Smyrna Town Hall. For information from these records or for information regarding the purchase of a gravesite at Mapleview, please call (615) 355-5782.

Spring Clean-Up Dates:   February 15th - March 1st
Fall Clean-Up Dates:       October 1st - October 15th

  • All holiday, specialty, faded, broken or deteriorated items will be removed on these dates.
  • All items that are removed are discarded.
  • The only way to ensure personal items are not removed and discarded is to take them off prior to the cleaning period and bring them back afterward.
  • The Town of Smyrna is not responsible for anything removed during cleaning.

Mapleview Cemetery FAQ

Can I make payments?
The only time that we can take payments for the purchase of a grave is at the time of a death and the grave will be used immediately. Purchaser must sign Payment Agreement. (This allows time to collect life insurance, if necessary.) All pre-need purchases must be paid in one lump sum. It is illegal for a municipality to finance.
Can I pay with a credit card?
The Town of Smyrna does accept credit cards; however, there is a fee of 2.5% to offset the costs that the Town incurs when a credit card is used.
Can I place a bench at the grave site?
The purchaser and/or owner of any grave site is allowed to place a single bench on such grave site, provided that any such bench is kept within the dimensions of such individual grave site and is made of a material which will not deteriorate or rust. The Town of Smyrna and/or its agents shall not be held liable for any damage to, and/or any loss of, any such bench. To allow visitor access and mowing maintenance, benches must be placed perpendicular to the grave for which it is intended. It must be placed at the head or the foot of the grave, not beside or within the aisles. The bench is limited to the width of the grave (4 feet).
Can I plant flowers or a tree?
To allow visitor access and mowing maintenance, no landscaping can be planted on the grave sites. The planting of trees on any grave site is prohibited.
Do my decorations have to be kept on the headstone?
Markers must be kept at the head and/or at the foot of the grave. The placement of fencing on, and/or the ornamental outlining of any type of, any grave site is prohibited. Ground cover such as stone, mulch, and/or wood chips prevents staff from properly maintaining the cemetery and is not permitted. All decorations must be kept on the marker or within six inches of the headstone. (dimensions of a grave = 4’ X 10’)
Does the family need to remove funeral flowers?
Funeral flowers can be removed by the family, if desired. Otherwise, the Town will remove them when they become diseased, damaged, invasive, overgrown, or if they do not conform to the Cemetery’s clean-up schedule.  (usually within two weeks after the funeral)
How Do I Enter the Town of Smyrna Annual Christmas Parade?
If you or your organization would like to enter in this year's parade, complete the entry form  and  view the entry guidelines

Entry deadline is Friday, November 11th. No Late Entries will be accepted.

If you have any questions about the parade, please  email: or call 615-267-5005
How much do the graves cost?
The cost of a grave is $1,250 for Smyrna residents and $1,795 if you are not a Smyrna resident. There are no discounts for the purchase of multiple graves. We no longer sell ½ graves for babies.
How much does it cost to open and close the grave?
Opening and closing costs are handled through the funeral homes. The purchaser/owner of any grave site is responsible for all costs involved in the removal of any rock and/or unsuitable soils from the grave site.
How will the monument company know where to put the headstone?
The purchaser or monument company is required to contact us at (615) 355-5782, 48 hours prior to the placement of headstones or markers. The Town will mark the area where a headstone/marker can be placed. We do not set the headstones/markers. They must be set by a monument company.
Is the cemetery only opened certain hours?
Mapleview Cemetery hours are 8:00am until 6:00pm daily. The Smyrna Police Department regularly patrols the cemetery. We do not close the gates.
Other Questions?
Please call (615) 355 - 5782 if you have any questions.
What are the dates for overall cleaning at Mapleview Cemetery?
Brush Truck Map
Mapleview Cemetery receives a thorough cleaning twice during the year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall.
Spring dates: February 15th thru March 1st.
Fall dates: October 1st - 15th
What if I want to bury a crematory urn?
The Town no longer does the opening and closing for the burial of cremains. The family must go through a funeral home. Families are not allowed to bury them themselves. (or bury anything else!)
Where can I get a headstone?
Headstones can be purchased through any monument company. We do not sell headstones and cannot recommend any particular company.
Who cleans the cemetery and how often?
The Town of Smyrna provides lawn care and periodically removes and discards old flowers. Funeral flowers will be removed from graves within two weeks of the service. To help ensure public safety at the Cemetery, the Town of Smyrna reserves the right to remove any floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs or plants of any kind from the Cemetery as soon as, in the judgment of the Cemetery management, they become diseased, damaged, invasive, overgrown, or if they do not conform to the Cemetery’s clean-up schedule. Cleaning dates are posted at the entrance of the cemetery. All items that are removed are discarded. The ONLY way to ensure personal items are not removed when the Cemetery is cleaned is for the family to take everything off the weeks of the cleaning and put it back the following week.
Who fills any areas of the grave that have sunk/settled?
The Town will fill any areas that have sunk or settled. Settling is normal especially after heavy rain. A new grave may need filled 2-3 times before completely settled.