
To learn more about the Town of Smyrna Policy on Traffic Calming Devices (Speed Humps), please click here.

To learn more about ongoing road projects, please click here.
635432389068300000Street Light Out?Is there a street light out in your neighborhood?

The Town of Smyrna relies on the citizens to notify us when a street light is not working properly in any residential area. The Town will then come out and “tag” the pole, then turn it over to MTEMC and they are the ones who actually repair the light. All requests must go through the Town since we provide the lighting. MTEMC does not take requests directly from the public for street lighting.

The employees of the Street Department are responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Town’s streets. Their primary maintenance responsibilities are street repair & resurfacing, traffic control signs & striping, street sweeping, sidewalk construction & maintenance, storm drainage construction & maintenance, snow removal, right of way mowing, brush/leaf removal, and litter pick up. 

Please call (615) 459-9766 or use the online service form to report any street light outages.
635467340331270000Children at Play
The Town of Smyrna does not install “Children at Play” signs because they just don't work. While it may seem that this sign would protect neighborhood youngsters, facts indicate otherwise. Although some cities have posted these signs in residential areas, no evidence exists to prove that these signs help reduce pedestrian accidents or lower speeds. Studies have shown that many signs in residential areas, which are installed to warn people of normal conditions, fail to improve safety. Warning signs can be effective tools if used sparingly and only to warn motorists of uncommon hazards that are not apparent to drivers. Drivers must be aware that there are children at play in ALL neighborhoods.

“Children at Play” signs can give parents a false sense of security since drivers often disregard these signs. Signs that encourage parents or children to believe they have added protection do more harm than good. Children should not be encouraged to play in the street. A sign cannot replace the parent’s responsibility to monitor their children. Federal standards, such as the Nation Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) reject these signs because they openly suggest that playing in the street is acceptable.

Since children live on nearly every residential block, the “Children at Play” signs, if used, would have to be placed on each street. Blocks with no signs might imply that no children live there, so it’s alright to speed.